
Bankruptcy and deposits in foreign currency

Written by Ο Τσιγκούνης Tuesday, 18 May 2010 08:43

If Greece is forced, due to bankruptcy, leaving the euro and made devaluation of the drachma then risk and deposits in foreign currency. This was at least in Argentina, where dollar deposits were converted automatically into pesos the undervalued exchange rate.
This is a comment on " deposits "
Comments (2)
2 Tuesday, 18 May 2010 12:13
Miser, you have a source for what they advocate? As much as I looked, I did not find anything relevant.
1 Tuesday, 18 May 2010 10:04
Βαγγελης G
If you know Dear Tsig or whatever else of his friends, still the loans in Swiss francs; interest rates (profit margin) listed in tables with the average mortgage rate is still valid; Thanks ..
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