
Deposits in Switzerland ... in large banks

Call learned that: 1) The Credit Suisse account opening minimum presupposes 300.000efro and also want you to be there in person myself. 2) For UBS the minimum amount for opening an account is 100.000efro and also you have to be there. Also after opening the account does not allow you to do money transfer through internet only deposit transfers to UBS. That is to say you can only see the account balance through internet ... ... I think that probably "disable" someone the money if we consider the possibility to happen to you something and not being able to travel himself to do a withdrawal. ..
This is a comment on " Balances with banks abroad "
Comments (3)
3 Friday, 28 May 2010 13:27
Ο Τσιγκούνης
Before publishing the contact details you need to get permission. Unfortunately, the competent Greek speaking at UBS missing since Tuesday. So a little patience.
2 Friday, 28 May 2010 13:08
tell me a store in ubs someone there speak Greek
1 Friday, 28 May 2010 11:20
Ο Τσιγκούνης
Deposits in Switzerland have very little interest and mainly aimed at older funds. The UBS has a special section for large depositors (over 250.000 CHF, ie 175 000 euros) when speaking and Greek. In this case, I was told that it is not necessary to go to a customer in Switzerland, but some time will have to meet the client. This may come across to be in Greece.