

Last Updated on Friday, 09 April 2010 19:06 Written by Global Fund Manager Friday, 09 April 2010 16:32

Merry Christmas to all, especially those looking for better returns and rightly interested in investing in international mutual funds (RA), as investment in good international AK was, is and is unequivocally the best form of investment.

He'm manager of international mutual funds (Mutual Funds for international). I could cite many facts and prove it 100% convincing everyone that what I mentioned above is amply! And, unfortunately, and not only correct, but Need to invest over time in well RA International, the Greeks even by 99.99% did not know what it is, how it operated and why you should invest in international AK! But do not blame the investors.

The most unfortunate in our country are many-fold, deliberate misinformation by domestic banks and Mutual Funds, ignorance, imperfect knowledge, and especially the lack of (unfortunately again deliberately) well-structured platform for information and evaluation (both quantitative and qualitative) International RA. Considering the Greek and international reality and future developments (rapid rise in inflation in coming years as the only way to reduce debt at the expense of civil / depositors in Greece and internationally), the only solution to compensate for the loss and increase the market value is an investment in a properly structured (geographically, by asset classes etc), a global investment approach and active portfolio management international funds. Them as first mention of me!

I am always at your disposal for any questions or concerns.

Many greetings to all!

This is a comment on " Mutual funds "
Comments (1)
1 Friday, 09 April 2010 19:49
Until the 2009 version of tax for 3 years and hold joint domestic equity funds. Has any information on whether this measure will be extended from 2010 onwards?
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