
New Features

Last Updated on Thursday, 02 April 2009 10:35 Saturday, 08 November 2008 14:27

As the data presented in some comparative tables of the website has grown so much that it is difficult to identify the appropriate product added some extra features.

First added to choose from a list. For example in Table ADSL choose for care which company or what service.

In a second step in the list of futures added the possibility of introducing the amount willing to invest.

With the introduction of this figure show only the offers corresponding to the amount we give. If we put an amount of less than 1000 can be inserted into the thousands. Eg if we put 10 will become 10000.
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Also see a new column that will calculate the monthly income would have if you deposit the amount indicated.

The monthly income is the net amount we would take a month net of tax 10%.

With this feature you can easily see if it pays to move our money to another bank.

One such example is the rate given by ProtonBank 7% but for one month only. If we have to choose between 7% gives 52.50 for 10,000 euros a month over the next 6.5% of the difference from 52.50 to 48.75 EUR 3.75 = probably not worth moving it.

Comments (1)
1 Saturday, 07 March 2009 04:59
Many congratulations on the site, for a very good early and accurate information we provide. For the sake of usability I am presenting to you some suggestions and I ask forgiveness in advance for this. Because now the volume of products recorded in tables "Time deposits and other investments" and "ADSL access and telephony has grown, we would: (1) Table" Time deposits and other investments (a) When you click on options "Bank", "Up" and the "Duration" is not displayed automatically choose the data separately for each of these options, but as The "Amount of deposit" doing then click on "View." (b) to "bank" to be able to select more than one bank. (2) The table "ADSL access and telephony (a) add an extra column for speed ADSL. (b) The option" Company ", and" Office " be able to choose more than one company, services. (c) To add the more than 1 Mbps ADSL speeds and corresponding packages telephony OTE. Thank you for hosting my site.
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