
Beware of scams

Fraud is when someone convinces someone else to believe as true what is not, usually economic benefits for the first and the second loss.

There are many types of scams that flourish today.

Cheating type publicity stunt

  • Store sells discounts up to 70%, but in reality 99% of the species is at 10-20%.
  • Great bank says interest rate gives up 7%, but in fact the weighted average interest rate of 2.84% for 24 month commitment.
  • Bank advertised rate to 7.5% with no other details. The hidden details that apply to amounts 750 000 Euros ...
Disclosed in one or two questions, but unfairly wasting our time and ultimately reduces the assessment of the bank or store.

Fraudulent products that make wonders

We often see ads that perform miracles:

  • Cream cellulite disappear
  • Devices eating overweight and our turn to models
  • Devices that make the economy 30% power or gasoline

Suffice it to search Google with the name of the product to see if miracles happen at the cost some tens of euros.

Fraudulent bidding and products at low prices

  • Competitions with easy questions and big prizes to pay dearly to hold the phone
  • Telesales products at low prices, but again waiting on expensive phone number
  • Rigged online auctions with products at very low prices that never fail to buy and lose money betting

Again a search on Google with the name of the site that promises to rabbits stole will enlighten us

Fraudulent purchases over the Internet

As happens in Greece a large increase in the market through internet makes sense to enter cheats in this area.

Already happened with two webshops scams, so many buyers and suppliers to lose their money.

  • It is good to see criticism of the store.
  • A search in Google will show whether there is a problem in the store (eg corfu shop).
  • If the store accepts credit card payment via a bank (not paypal and others) is a sign of health.
  • Buying with cash in a bank account are exhibited at the good (or bad) will the shop. Can the shop has an excellent record, but if Varese rules (eg, then lost.
  • Since there is a problem with the transport companies that COD in the province is the second best way to market is via credit card.