
Tax Return 8%

Dear George,

Even if you wanted to pay the tax returns of 8%, you can not with the regulations, after pulling off the money after the April 15, 2010.

Costs depend on the remittance bank and the way (from 5 to over 100 million). Really, how much you cost transfer to the outside and through which bank?

The tax authorities should give tax (10%) for interest on deposits.

This is a comment on " REPATRIATION "
Comments (1)
1 Monday, 21 June 2010 00:24

H transfer via web banking Alpha Bank's costs EUR 0.30 per 12,500.

Because they do not know well the tax may I ask the following

  • The transfer of remittances externally declare the tax authorities;

  • The transfer of remittances to tax authorities also say;

  • If I leave the money in Germany, must declare any interest from time deposits there; Certainly it is 10% on interest and not on capital; The tax bill (Article 18) writes: "If the funds remain deposited abroad, due to tax at a rate of eight percent (8%) on them." Which chapters; The funds before April 15 or those katatetheikan after April 15; And the rate of taxation on capital or the interest;

  • If that does not say how the tax authorities to catch on; So we face; It has to do with the tax police team planned right now;

  • Since most of the money my parents are a problem, whence Shame;

  • That applies to (incoming, outgoing) transfers the Bank of Greece shall inform the Ministry of Finance;

  • Where the money back the next day you should tell the tax office; Since interest would have gotten a month

Basically I come to return the money in Greece and invest directly with my parents, because most of them are. But for all this transfer went and forth through the money transfer should inform the tax authorities;

I would like to know if my answer to these questions and generally what I recommend;

Thank you very much.

Note: The money is legally worked